Saturday, 19 October 2013


1. Falling in love, according to investigators, can bring relaxing effect on mind and body.

2. When a person falls in love, the ventral tegmental area in the brain floods the caudate nucleus with dopamine. The caudate then signals for more dopamine; the more dopamine, the higher a person feels. The same system becomes activated when someone takes cocaine.

3. Timing significantly influences love. Individuals are more likely to fall in love if they are looking for adventure, craving to leave home, lonely, displaced in a foreign country, passing into a new stage of life, or financially and psychologically ready to share themselves or start a family.

 4. Studies show that if a man meets a woman in a dangerous situation (and vice versa), such as on a trembling bridge, he is more likely to fall in love with her than if he met her in a more mundane setting, such as in an office.

 5. Some individuals who claim never to have felt romantic love suffer from hypopituitarism, a rare disease that doesn’t allow a person to feel the rapture of love.

 6. Romantic love lasts just over a year, perhaps because the brain cannot eternally maintain a revved-up state of romantic bliss. As romantic love wanes, attachment love, a more stable love, sets in. To keep the passion alive, experts suggest doing satisfying and exciting activities as a couple.

 7. To remain in love for a lifetime, therapists advise couples to listen actively to your partner, ask questions, give answers, appreciate, stay attractive, grow intellectually, include your partner, give him/her privacy, be honest and trustworthy, tell your mate what you need, accept his/her shortcomings, give respect, never threaten to leave, say “no” to adultery, don’t assume the relationship will last forever, and cultivate variety.

 8. Falling in love can induce a calming effect on the body and mind and raises levels of nerve growth factor for about a year, which helps to restore the nervous system and improves the lover’s memory.

9. Love can also exert the same stress on your body as deep fear. You see the same physiological responses—pupil dilation, sweaty palms, and increased heart rate.

10. People are more likely to tilt their heads to the right when kissing instead of the left (65 percent of people go to the right!).

11.Men who kiss their wives in the morning live five years longer than those who don’t.

12.People who are newly in love produce decreased levels of the hormone serotonin —as low as levels seen in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Perhaps that’s why it’s so easy to feel obsessed when you’re smitten.

13.One in five long-term love relationships began with one or both partners being involved with others.

14. According to mathematical theory, we should date a dozen people before choosing a long-term partner; that provides the best chance that you’ll make a love match.

15. Having a romantic relationship makes both genders happier. The stronger the commitment, the greater the happiness!

16. The heart is a common symbol of love. Ancient alchemists used the symbol of the heart for incantations of love. The heart can represent an inverted triangle in which love is poured or carried. In Buddhism, the triangle is an invocation of love energy associated with the divine. The heart can also represent the wings of a dove, which was sacrificed in ancient Israel as a gesture of love and which also served as a symbol of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. (From The Complete Book of Symbols by Jack Tresidder)

17. Roses are a traditional symbol of love and, depending on their color, can suggest different nuances of love.For example, red roses indicate passion and true love. Light pink suggests desire, passion, and energy; dark pink suggests gratitude. Yellow roses can mean friendship or jealousy. A lavender or thornless rose can mean love at first sight. White roses mean virtue or devotion. Some roses even combine colors to created more complicated meanings.

18. The oldest known love song was written 4,000 years ago and comes from an area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

19. Engagement rings are often worn on the fourth finger of the left hand because the ancient Greeks maintained that that finger contains the vena amoris, or the “vein of love,” that runs straight to the heart. The first recorded wedding rings appear in ancient Egypt, with the circle representing eternity as well as powerful sun and moon deities.

20. The Eiffel Tower is the most popular places, a person applying for express love or lover.

 21. When someone looks at a new love, the neural circuits that are usually associated with social judgment are suppressed.

22.   Studies show that the risk of a “secret love” being revealed heightens romantic feelings for the partners, thanks to increased levels of phenylethylamine (PEA)

Image courtesy of  Freedigitalphotos .

Friday, 11 October 2013


Knowing that you need to have open communication with your girlfriend if you want things to work out well with her, you may have considered the fact that you need to have some good, romantic questions that you can ask of her. This can help to bridge the gap between you and her, and it always seems to work to get a woman to start talking, which is another good thing for you and her. So, for that reason, I have come up with 4 romantic questions that you can ask your girlfriend to get to know her better and so that you can get the conversation started between the two of you.
Here are those 4 romantic questions to ask your girlfriend:
1) What is your favorite kind of flower and why is that?
Flowers and romance have been intertwined for a long time and just about every woman has a favorite of theirs. This helps because it can lead to her revealing what she would consider to be a special gift if you were to give her a surprise bouquet of flowers and also, there are some metaphorical things that you can decipher from her answers to this question.
2) How do you like to be kissed?
Most men seem to assume that they know the way that their girlfriend likes to be kissed, but that is not always the case. Hang out with any group of women when they are talking about their boyfriends and a lot of the time you will find that they are not totally satisfied with the way that their man kisses them. And most guys are unwilling to ask. Don't be like most guys, ask her. She may be glad to help you out with this one.
3) What would you do if you could have a dream day?
Part of being romantic with a woman is to connect with her emotionally. And to do that, you kind of have to know what gets her going, and I don't mean just in the bedroom. This question will help you to learn http://my. what she really is into. Not only that, but you can also get some clues as to what you can do to surprise her with a special day and you better believe that she will be happy if you do.
4) How do you like to be touched?
Touching is another area where men assume that they know what their girlfriend likes and desires, but quite often they are way off the mark. Ask her if you want to be right on the money because I am sure that she would like for you to know how to touch her.

Thursday, 10 October 2013


Online dating for teenagers and young adults seems a relatively simple pursuit requiring little more than an exchange of photographs and a passing reference to some common interests. And that's it, the match is made, although it might not last more than a few days! But for the older and more experienced adult, dating is usually a more complex issue, in which both the man and the woman will expect more from their potential partner.

So why not give yourself a head start and make your profile that much more interesting. Being able to play a musical instrument, particularly an unusual musical instrument, will not only make your profile stand out from the herd but will also arouse much interest and curiosity. At the very least it will get you a few dates quite quickly, but in many cases you will soon find that you have become a veritable magnet to the opposite sex.

Let's take a look at the next four unusual musical instruments you might consider adding to your online dating armory. They range from the most ancient to the most modern, so there is sure to be one to appeal to every musical taste.

LightHarp. The LightHarp uses lasers, spotlights and light sensors to trace virtual strings through space for performers to play. I believe something similar was used by Mr Spok to charm the heart of many an interstellar traveler. The instrument does not produce sound itself, rather it controls computers and synthesizers.

The current version of the LightHarp has been designed in leather by the famous leather artist, Garry Greenwood. The LightHarp is also the World's first Indian computer music instrument and resembles a veena in shape and design. It has a total of 32 light-sensor virtual strings, each of which play either individual notes, music samples or act as frets on a string. But although designed for playing Indian music, the LightHarp is also capable of performing dense polyphonic textures with micro-tonal tunings.

Nano Guitar. Now here's an instrument guaranteed to please the technology-minded lady, and it comes in one convenient pocket-sized package. Keep one by you at all times. You never know when it might come in handy!

The smallest guitar in the world, the Nano Guitar is only 10 micro-meters in length -- about the size of a single cell -- with six strings each about 50 nanometers, or 100 atoms, wide. The original Nano Guitar was made to resemble a Fender Stratocaster. The new, "playable" version, actually about five times the size of the original, is modeled on the Gibson Flying V.

The strings are actually silicon bars, 150 by 200 nanometers in cross-section and ranging from 6 to 12 micrometers in length (a nanometer is a billionth of a meter, the length of three silicon atoms in a row. For comparison, the diameter of a human hair is about 200 micrometers, or 200,000 nanometers). They vibrate at frequencies 17 octaves higher than those of a real guitar, so special listening skills will be required!

Serpent. An instrument with overt sexual overtones and in the right hands a lethal weapon in your armory to seduce your beloved. Just don't overdo it, the effects can be earth-shattering!

The Serpent is an ancient musical wind instrument, related to the modern tuba, invented by Canon Edmé Guillaume in 1590 in France, and was first used to reinforce the sound of church choirs. It was made from wood and blown with a cup shaped mouthpiece. Played softly, it has a firm mellow tone. At medium volume, it produces a robust sound -- something of a cross between the tuba, bassoon and French horn. But when played loudly, the serpent can produce seriously unpleasant noises reminiscent of large animals mating or in distress.

Theremin. The Theremin is perhaps my preferred instrument, and one of the most versatile. But as with all musical instruments worthy of the name, please consider the neighbors and try to perfect your technique before rushing out to try this. Police cells and hospitals have been known to become overcrowded with failed Theremin players.

The Theremin is one of the earliest electronic instruments, the forerunner of the electronic synthesizer. However it is unique in that it is played without ever physically touching it. Invented by the Russian inventor Leon Theremin in the 1920s, the instrument is outfitted with two antennae and when the hands of the player enter the electrostatic field around each antenna, changes in pitch and volume occur.

For years the Theremin enjoyed cult status in sci-fi movies (such as Bernard Herman's score for the 1951 classic The Day the Earth Stood Still) and it is still used today in movies and by a number of contemporary musicians including bands such as Led Zeppelin, Radiohead and Portishead. In fact the Theremin is enjoying a veritable musical renaissance!

I hope you have enjoyed learning about these intriguing musical instruments, mention of any one of which on your adult dating site profile is bound to generate a lot of interest. But it's for you to take it from there!

Antonio bonito